Company OOO “UralOilTrade” supplies oil products, petrochemicals, packed bitumen to both the domestic market of the Russian Federation and the CIS and other foreign markets.

OOO “UralOilTrade” has steady partnership relations with oil producers what gives the company an opportunity to offer fair prices, high level of service and individual approach to each customer. The company provides extensive oil product line and timely and uninterrupted products supply.

OOO “UralOilTrade” takes into account such factors as the location of the customer’s enterprise, of oil refinery, transportation costs, chemical and some other kinds of specific features of the supplied products.

OOO “UralOilTrade” provides the supply of oil products under the contract with Gazprom Neft, Bashneft, Rosneft, Russneft, TATNEFT, TAIF-NK, TANECO and other companies.

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